Procrastination is something that everyone has to deal with at some time or another. Unfortunately for me, I have had some cases where it ends up hurting me very badly. Everyone knows what it feels like. Sure I could start that paper today, but its nice out and I have another 3 weeks anyway. Then you find yourself sitting in front of your computer at 1 in the morning, pulling your hair out trying to get this thing finished. And because of this you don't write as well, make sloppy mistakes, and suffer on your grade. It is the same in the real world as well. Putting together presentations for work at the last possible moment, not having enough time to thoroughly practice, and looking like an idiot in front of your customers.
So why do we do it? The answer is I have no idea. Most people are too lazy, or they convince themselves they will be fine. And as I can attest to, it never works out that way. Sitting down to write the paper, we get distracted by Facebook, music, your phone. Anything to have an excuse to stop writing to do something more interesting. So how do you deal with procrastination. You need to get focused and start projects early, and keep up with them. Which is what we all strive to do, but in actuality it is easier said then done for people like myself.
SO will it ever change. I think everyone has a turning point at which they stop procrastinating and grow up. For me it is probably the last week as I find out the hard way the consequences for procrastination.