I liked you blog i did know you could set a blob up by posting a movie on it. Some of the thing they were doing were pretty cool. I would have to liked to try some of them, skiing looks like lots of fun but i would not doing some of the things like any stunts i could brake my neck on but i wouldnt mind waching. Water skiing i would do but not jumping of walls or ramps and if they pulled me along very slowy cause i cant swim not even in 5 feet i know its sad. I like waching extem spots i just dont have the stomach to do them, but if this is what you do more power and good luck.
I liked you blog i did know you could set a blob up by posting a movie on it. Some of the thing they were doing were pretty cool. I would have to liked to try some of them, skiing looks like lots of fun but i would not doing some of the things like any stunts i could brake my neck on but i wouldnt mind waching. Water skiing i would do but not jumping of walls or ramps and if they pulled me along very slowy cause i cant swim not even in 5 feet i know its sad. I like waching extem spots i just dont have the stomach to do them, but if this is what you do more power and good luck.