Take for instance the issue of the environment. If you are a supporter of a cleaner and greener Earth, then the obvious choice would be the Green Party. And this would be fine, if not for the Democratic party taking a similar stance to gobble up the voters of the Green Party. The same goes for the Republicans. Started out as a party based on a free economy, they have become the religious right. Turning once Democrat voters of the south and converting them due to the appeal to their religion during the early 80's. And this has become one of the major issues for the party. When you see a Republican campaigning now, its less based on the founding principles of the party, but rather an appeal to the morals of the religious right.
Rather than having a party specifically for the the environmentalists and religious, the two major parties have incorporated their ideals into their political agenda, thus gaining voters. And this has limited independent parties to horrible outcomes with voting and political positions. UNlike in other countries where as many as 8 major political parties exist, America is limited to 2. And this is why you have to choose the lesser of two evils.
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