What people generally forget to think about is the main reason why that piece of technology is there. Sure, my laptop is great for surfing Facebook, watching stupid videos, and downloading music. But it serves a greater purpose than that. It is a toll first and foremost. Be it for school work, or editing film, its main purpose is to make my life easier. And thats what technology is all about. Making your life easier.
People may not think of it, but the pulley, wheel, and even spear are all tools designed to make your task at hand easier. Cell phones originally were intended just to talk without having a hardline. And that still is the main use. Sure you can surf the internet, take pictures, and play games. But when you look at it, it still is used the most as a communication device, be it e-mail, text, IM, or even an old fashioned phone call.
So I believe that technology is a friend. Sure it can distract you and consume, but only if you let it. After all, every piece of technology is a tool, its how you use the tool that determines how you perceive it.
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